Paphiopedilums in Viet Nam (No.1) |
For the beginning, I'll introduce the species of Paphiopedilums in Viet Nam. In truth, I don't have Photos of all of Paphs now. Some of them are not of plants in Viet Nam. In future, I'll change them to the photos of Paphs in Viet Nam exactly. |
(1) Paph. delenatii |
Re-discovered newly |
The size of newly discovered Paph. delenatii is very huge and the shape is very good. We expect them to get a good results in some hybrids using this species. |
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I have received this photo of Paph. delenatii album form from Viet Nam on the 23rd, Jan.,1998. The owner of this plant is some hobbyist in Ho Chi Minh city and got this plant of which leaves had no pigments of purple red. I believed there would be album form of Paph. delenatii. Now it came really . But we can see the poach is pink slightly. Don't you think so ? Or it dependent on the development of Photo ? |
I have received the photo of Paphiopedilum delenatii album on the 25 th, Sep, 1999. In Viet Nam, several green leaves' delenatii plants were discovered, but almost of all plants' flower were not album because some parts of the flower is pale pink as above photo. In JAVECO, they selected the perfect album that they believed and made self cross. They could not get so many seedlings but one of them has flowered as follows in a year after deflasking although NS of the plant bellow 10 cm . It is the perfect album form . It means the mother plant is the album form exactly. There is album form of Paph. delenatii exactly. I'm exiting to see these photos ! |
Paph. delenatii v. album |
(2) Paph. malipoense |
This species was discovered near the border between China. The shape of flowers that I saw in Ha Noi is not so good. The shape of Petal was triangle. The plant of this photo came from China. |
(3) Paph. hiepii (New Species) |
This species was discovered in recently in the north of Viet Nam.we can not identify this species from Paph. malipoense from their leaves. They say their lysome developed well. |
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The flower of Paph. hiepii. The shape of this flower is much better than usual.It like the flower of Paph. jackie. This flower has come from the green leaves plant in Ha Noi. In truth, we expected it will be album form. But we can see the tiny purple brown spots on the base of petal slightly. |
In the 22nd, Jan., 1999, I have received again the photo of Paph. hiepii v. album from. This flower is album form exactly. I asked them to make self closs of the flower. I expect they will succeed to closs and get many young album plants in future. |
The bud of Paph. hiepii in JAVECO Lab. It is too fast for my visiting. I want to see the flower really. I asked them to send the photo of the flower. |
(4) Paph. emersonii |
Please refer to Paph. huonglanae which is the Viet Nam species in news recently. |
In Dec.,97', Paph. emersonii was found in Napa, the north side of Viet Nam. The size of plant looks like larger than Paph. emersonii in China. Some one say the flower is different from the Chinese. But we don't know in truth. We have to wait the flower coming. |
Today, 12nd of March, I have received the photo of Paph. emersonii that was discovered in Viet Nam. From the photo, there is no difference from the Chinese one, unfortunately. I expected something difference. |
I have gotten this photo from the stuff of JAVECO when I visited in May, 1998. This flower is one of the selected for making hybrids in the farm. They made self closs of this flower. I hope it will be succeeded. This flower is different from the upper photo of Paph. emersonii on the color of pouch. But these plants came from the same colony. |
(5) Paph. concolor |
yunnan type |
We see this species in the center and south area in Viet Nam. The shape of flower is very similar to them in Thailand. But the shape and color of leaves is very different from them. They may be a different variety. I don't know in detail about the classification. | The yunnan type of Paph. concolor is seen near the border in the north Viet Nam. I don't know the location in detail. the plant of Photo came from China. |
(6) Paph. dianthum |
The flower of this species is not different from that in China. They distribute in the mountains, the north area in Viet Nam widely. The common species. |
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