NO.45 Night Cloud (Hong Kong, China)
Night Cloud ( Hong Kong、China )
email :
Dear Dr. Tanaka,
I live in Hong Kong, China. I enjoyed Japan Paphiopedilum Association's web site and I found that the theme of latest Saloon was Paph. spicerianum. As I have 2 kinds of hybrids of paph. spicerianum, I'll send the photos now. They are Paph. Lemonade and paph. Vera. I am growing Paph. Vera( leucochilum'Bunjong' x spicerianum'Brujong') for 5 years. I belive the shape is so nice but I don't like other fuetures. I bought Paph. Lemonade (spicerianum'super' x primulinum) in some orchid show in Dec. 2002 and flowered soon now. The sjape of flower is better than Paph. primulinum, one of the parents, I think.
Paph. Vera ( leucochilum 'Bunjong' x spicerianum 'Brujong')
Paph. Lemonade (spicerianum 'super' x primulinum )
NO.44 Mr. Andrei Lenard ( Romania )
Mr. Andrei Lenard ( Romania )
email: <>
Dear Dr. Tanaka,
I am Andrei Lenard, president of the Romanian Orchid Club. I find your site very exciting! Unfortunately I have only a few young Paphio which are not able to bring flowers and one Paphiopedilum insigne who is since 3 years bringing flowers. I found the plant in Brasov by florist who was earning a small greenhouse from his father. He has no information how the Paphio came there, but he remember that as child he sow it without according any attention. The plant is growing terrestrial on the ground of the greenhouse as gras!. In 1992 the Paphio beginns to bring flowers! Since this the florist is selling in his shop Paphs in pots. I find the story interesting, because the plant is existing and surviwing there since before the second World War !
Paph. insigne ' Romania '
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