International Orchid Shows Coming Soon.
( in Asia )

  On this web site, I want to introduce various orchid show that will be held in near future around the the world. Would you send the information about the international orchid show .  I'm looking forward to having your contribution.



The 6th Jakarta Orchids Show

That Indonesia is blessed with suitable climate to grow almost every orchids in
the world, either species or hybrids. There are about 40000 orchids species, and Indonesia has about 6000 of them. So many orchid fans are growing and are enjoying orchids in Indonesia. All of orchids enthusiastes worlwide are welcome to join the show!!!!!!

Date: The 27th., May - 5th., June 2005
Place: Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
Contact Information 
Anthony W. Trisulo : e-mail <>



International Orchid Show in China is held in Feb. every year changing the sponsor city.
The 13th International Orchid Show in China : Feb. 14 ~20,2004 in Gyokukei ( Yunnan )

The 14th International Orchid Show in China : Feb. 14 ~20,2004
Time : 26th,Feb ~ 3rd, Mar. 2005
Place : Rakusan (Shisen)
In China, native orchids in China will exhibited mainly. Verioius orchids will be acceptable from other contries. Taiwan, Hong Kong , Japan will attend usually. We expect Orchid exhibition, painting of orchids, reserch etc. (Time limit will be the 30th, Dec, 2004))
Mr. 藍、Mr. 張、 Miss 胡 


The 1st Singapore Orchid Festival 2003

This year is the 75th Anniversary of the Orchid Society of S E Asai, founded in 1928 as the Malayan Orchid Society. To make this occasion, the Society and the Singapre Botanic Gardens are joinitly organizing as Orchid Festival. The Festival will include an Orchid Show together with lectures, a historical display, an extensive sales area and other activities.

Date: The 18th - 21st, September in 2003
Place: Singapore Botanical Garden
Contact Information 
Mr. John Elliott : President. OSSEA, Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee

The16th. Australian Orchid Council Conference

Date: The 18th - 21st, September in 2003In detail )
Place: Adelaide, Australia
hosted by Orchid Club of South Australia Inc.
Contact Information 
Editor South Australian Orchid Bulletin, Russell Job


The 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference(APOC)

The APOC takes place every three years, organizes by different Asia Pacific country. The first APOC convened in Japan in 1984, and first time to be held in Taiwan, the 8th APOC and exhibition.
Place: Evergreen Plaza Hotel in Tainan
Date: March 6th ~ 14th, 2004
Contents : Biotechnology seminars, launched by the scientists in English, and cultivation seminars, participants are the species breeding exporters, sharing their experiences, and poster display presents the technics of cultivation, etc.
Show : The international orchid exhibition
Place: Beru Exhibition Center
Date begins from March 6th ~14th, 2004

It is necessary for visitors and exhibitors to register
In advance : Advance Registration ノUSD100 (before 30th of November, 2003)
Standard Registration ノUSD150 (after 1st of January)
Registration Fee for one day ノ USD20
      (only available during exhibitions period),
     Group Registration FeeノUSD300
(only valid for 10 people or more, each additional member fee USD30).

In March, its the spring, warm, sunny and flowers blossom season, come and visit the ancient cityTainan. Welcome you with our sincerely heart and look forward to having your participation, join the 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference and Exhibition.

Further information and contact :
Mr. S. S. Chen
Chairman of The 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference Organizing Committee
Suite 1304, No. 41, Sec. 1, Jungshiau W. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan 100, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-55813155
Fax: 886-2-23119336


The 17th World Orchid 2002 Conference(WOC)

Date : April 24th - May 2nd, 2002
Place Shah Alam, Malaysia

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