
Orchid Inn フラスコ&苗リスト のご案内

Winter 2006 Orchid Inn 株分けリスト(先着順)

Winter 2006 Orchid Innのフラスコ(終了)

Winter 2006 Orchid Innの苗リスト(1/21〆切)


Here are the three Cattleyas flasks that are not listed on our regular flask list and will only be released in Japan.   Each of these flasks contains 30-35 seedlings.  If you prefer to see the photos of the following Cattleyas species, please let us know and we will email you.
This is a selfing of a true coerulea form of this species and is our first release. As far as we are aware, we know of only a few of this rare color form. The parent plant is a true coerulea and a vigorous grower and we expect the selfings to produce true coeruleas. US$225 per flask.
C. aclandiae var. coerulea x self.
Again, we are offering our first release of this rare albinistic form of this species. Again, as far as we are aware, we know of only 2 of this rare color form. The offsprings should produce true albas. US$350 per flask. Limited!!!
C. amethystoglossa var. alba x self
Selfing of an awarded clone of this species. Originally and ex collected clone from Venezuela, the parent plant is an extremely vigorous grower and produces large and well shaped flowers. US$150 per flask
C. jenmanii var. tipo ‘Koenigin’ AM/AOS x self


1) JPA メンバーで、2/17(金)、2/18(土)、2/19(日)の3日の間のなかで直接ドームにお越しいただき現金で支払いできる方。(レートは別途・・・たぶん120円強)

2) フラスコの苗の大きさが日本で購入する普通のものより小さいです。

3) 注文の総額により25%割引が可能ですが必ずしも保障はありません。またNET PRICEとなっているものは割引対象外です。

      花房 英美さんまでメールで。(先着順)