i‚RjCulture of Paphs

Preparation on the surroundings for growing Paphs.

1) Sunlight

2) Temperature & Moisture

3) A current of air

Technique for growing Paphs.

1) Watering

2) Transplanting

3) Fertilizer

4) Deasae and Pest control


@@Paphiopedilums like sunlight much more than we expect. Growing under sunlight enough, the plant is sturdy and flower powerfully. But we can expose the plant enough only for healthy one. When we expose the unhealthy plant like their root are rotted and /or don't work under the stronger sunlight, it will be dried and will be much worse. If you have not confidence for the plant, you had better expose it under feeble sunlight. The appropriate sunlight is dependent on Paphs' species also. For the natural species, you have to refer to the nature they alive basicaly. For hybrids, it dependent on the species that were used as the parents for the hybrids. In the figure following, I show you the strength of shade in Japan for each species from my experience. You may refer the value and have to modify for your sorroundings. Because even if the basical techinique is similar for everybody, the true procedures of your growing is dependent on your surroundings and your personality mainly.
@@We can get various type of shading. You had better use the shade that can permit wind pass through enough. You have to take to heart that the shade must be kept about 30cm between the glass or plastic film. When you use 2 layers of shade, you keep about 10 cm between the shades. For Paph. album form, you had better under 10~20% stronger shade than the regular plants.@

The strength of shade

It is denpendent on the species basicaly.


50~70 % shade


30~50 % shade

The ventilation


An electric fan


Opening window and door

Culturing outside in summer

The difference between Subgenus

The value is dependent on my experience.

























‚QjTemperature and ventilation

@@The appropriate temperature should be dependent on the species. For instance, the species came from Indonesia grow better in the higher temperature and the species came from China prefer the lower temperature basiacaly. It means we have to refer the climate of the spiceis originally. Some species will be adapted to our greenhouse easily. But in order to grow them in healthy, we had better make the situation, temperature in their original places. You may refer the value of temperature for each species as following. But these value is estimated results from my experiences. So you don't need to believe so much.

Temperature: It is dependent on the species


Min. @15@Ž@
It is better in 18~20 Ž@for Min. temp.


It want to be Min. @20@Ž@
(It may be impossible for us)
It want to be Max. below 30@Ž
We have to device the temperature to be lower by ventilation and watering on the grand.


Min. temp.

rothschildianum, philippinense, sanderianum, grandrifelum etc


stonei, adductum, acmodontum, many species of tortipetalum, mastersianum, cochropetalum etc.


Almost of all species including complex hybrids


feirrieanum, venustum, wardii, hirstissimum etc.


micranthum, armeniacum, malipoense etc.

iupper ‚VŽ is betterj

@@In truth, the problems in culturin Paphs is bigger in Summer than in winter.@Paphiopedilum grow in tropical or subtropical area but they grow in the higher hill or mountains mainly. In these area, the temperature in night will be cooler than we imaged. In Japan, it is very hot , especialy the temperature in night is too hot. The plants continue to expose to high temperature in night, its will be consumed and must be suffer. So we need to make the temperature especialy in night lower. You may use air conditioner but it is too luxury. The first of all, we make ventilation better. If possible, you had better grow them outside. When you have to keep them in greenhouse in summer, you had better open the windows and door as much as possible. Check the direction of winds in night and make window in order to pass the winds in night. In the sunny hot day, you had better water not only on grand but also on roof. You may use electric fan, of course.
@@The electric fan is one of the basical equipment in greenhouse, you know. In winter, all windows and door will be closed and the air will is stagnant. In this case, the temperatur in greenhouse must be uniform. So you have to set up electric fans. The fans will surply fresh air anyplaces in greenhouse like under benches. It will help to prevent desease and pest also.

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