●コンセプト |
. 南米原産のワルケリアナとノビリオールは、他のカトレヤ系の原種とは異なった魅力があります。小型の株に大きな花を数輪付け、丈夫な割には気むずかしく、株が出来ても良い花が咲かなかったりもします。バラエティも比較的豊富で、色の変化も楽しめます。最近はシブリング・クロスも盛んになり、入手し易くなりました。ノビリオールでは山採り株からとんでも無いような良い花が咲いたりします。 そんな魅力に取り付かれて、かれこれ十数年になります。この二種類の原種を中心にしたホームページを作成し、情報発信を行う事にしました。 掲載する花は、有名個体や整形花だけでなく、山採り株やクロスでの開花例など全般に渡り、本来の原種の持つ味わいが感じ取れる様に配慮しました。少しでも理解が深まり、原種に対する考え方の健全な発展への一助になれば幸いです。 . |
. Concept There are different charms in Cattleya walkeriana and Cattleya nobilior, the place of origin is South America, as compared with other cattleya species. Though the size of these species is smaller than other cattleya species, they produce one to three large flowers. These species are strong to grow but they are fastidious and sometimes produce unexpected unseemly flower in spite of it's good growth. Since the variety exists abundantly, we can enjoy various colors in flowering season. Recently, crossing has been done actively, so it became possible for us to get seedling plants easily. In the case of Cattleya nobilior which was gifted from nature, it sometimes produce unexpected seemly flower. More than ten years have passed since I was charmed with Cattleya walkeriana and Cattleya nobilior from the bottom of my heart. Now I have decided to open the website focusing on these species to communicate my messages. In this website, I would like to introduce photographs of these species not only the famous and good-shaped plants but also natural and seedling plants in order that you can feel charms of species. I would appreciate it if this website would be useful for you to deepen the understanding about species and to develop healthily your way of thinking about species. . |
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. | ●開花風景 (平成9年11月23日) | . |
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. | ●お願い | . |
. 細心の注意を払って作成していますが、掲載内容に間違いなどが有りましたらご一報下さい。 また 掲載されていない個体の写真の投稿を歓迎します。記事の投稿も受け付けます。 (掲載の可否については管理者に一任願います。) . |
. Requests Though I have taken special care to create this website, please let me know when you notice error. I welcome your contribution of photographs, which have not been introduced, and articles to this website. (Please leave it to me whether your contribution will be introduced or not.) . |
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. | ●著作権について | . |
. 掲載している写真は特記の無いものは管理者の撮影したものです。提供、協力戴いたものはその旨記載してあります。記事についても同様です。 このホームページに掲載されている写真、記事等の転載、配布等一切お断り致します。 著作権は管理者、またはその情報提供者に帰属します。 . |
. About copyright All photographs on this website are taken by me except several ones which were kindly presented and cooperated by friends. In the case of articles, it is same as photographs. I reject reprint and distribution of photographs and articles introduced on this website. Copyright is vested in me or informant. Contents Copyright (C) 1999 Etsuro Sato All rights reserved. . |
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