Please cooperate with rejecting the illegal Paphs.

Although this plant was described before and was missed, it is introduced now.

NO. 45@ Paph. x powelii 030620

@In1995, a new natural hybrid of Paphiopedilum, Paph. x powelii was introduced in Orchid Digest 59(3) by Mr. Eric A. Christenson. This is not describe because there was no information in detail about the flower and plants in Latin. So, this is only information, I mean. This plant was brought by Mr. Norris Powel of The Orchid House. And there was no comment about where it came from in the south Asia. The flower is similar to the results of primaly hybrds using Paph. insigne and Paph. villosum as one od parents. Although we can no identfy but we can not deny completely that Paph. exul and/or Paph. gratrixianum is concerning from the characters of dorsal. Someone say it must be a natural hybrid between exsul and barbatum, or ,exul and callosum,

Mr. Olaf Gruss who is a friend of mine in Germany sent the information about Paph. x powelii after above. This new species was described in Latin officially by Mr. Olaf Gruss and Dr. Joachim Erfkamp next year, in Die Orchidee 47(4), 1996. In this describe, i>Paph. x powelii was introduced as a natural hybrid between Paph. callosum and Paph. exul .

Paph. x powelii

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