Please cooperate with rejecting the illegal Papas.
NO. 35 2 new species concerning Paph. micranthum from China
Paph. globulosum & Paph. micranthum var. oblatum
2 new species concerning Paph. micranthum were described from China, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 40(4), 364-370 ( 2002 ). In this description, they reported the 2 species flowering were selected and identified from about 250 blooms in some nursery, which were collected from Wenshan Prefecture in southern eastern Yunnan.
What do you think about these new species. How do you think about, it is no problems for us.
NO.1 Paph. globulosum
This new species is very similar to Paph. micranthum but the size of staminode is so huge.
NO2. Paph. micranthum var. oblatum
This new variety of Paph. micranthum in very close to the typical Paph. micranthum but the pouch is very thin within 1 cm comparing with the typical ones.
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