
Question & Answer Corner

I'll accept your idea, wishes and questions for Paphiopedilums or my site anytime. Please send it by e-mail. But if it has some problems for opening to public, I will not in some case. Please approve of this dealing. I'm looking forward to having your mail. Thank you.
Sorry !  Usually, Japanese only in this site.

金澤 啓子 (東京都荒川区)  010329
e mail: bumi-kun@mtb.biglobe.ne.jp

Q: Drたなか様
こんにちわ。ことしはじめてパフィオが咲きました、でも色が違うのです。買ったときは、うす紫の筋が全体に入ってました。咲いたのは、うす紫?ピンクの濃い?色が全体に入りました。ちょっと変だけど、きれいな色です。こんなことあり??? 教えてください!!名前はPaph Delophyllumとなっています。最初咲いていたのは白地に紫の筋が入っていて全体に入ってました。




A: 結論を先に申し上げますが、全く心配いりません。正常です。
開花中の花色の変化に於いては普通に見られることで、緑色の多くは黄色に変化し、そして消えてしまうことが多いようです。時には緑色がそのまま残ったり、黄色の状態で残ったりすることがありますが・・・。それがなぜ2つの花に異なって現れたと言うことですが、詳しくは解りません。時間が異なって、あるいは、わずかな条件が異なって2つの花が時間をずらせて花を咲かせるときに何らかの生理的な違いがあったものと思われます。また、普通、今咲いたばかりの花(咲き始め)にはにじみが見られるが、花が古くなると白くなることもよくあります。整形花の白花の多くはこのような経過を辿ります。上顎片に含まれる色素が時間と共に分解されるのでしょう。正確にはわかりませんが、正常な遺伝のもとで変革する正常な生理的現象だと思われます。このような質問はよくあります。一般の方には驚かれるのでしょうね。とても蘭が好きになって、何時も眺めているとわずかな変化に気が着かれたのだと思います。この花を愛するがゆえんの心配だと思いますね。 ( 田中 利典 )

Mr. Dario Ugolini ( Florence, Italy ) 010329
e mail: "Ugolini" <ugolinidm@inwind.it >     

Q: Dear Toshinori,
I should have two questions for you.
Last year I bought a Paph niveum. When I repotted it, I saw that it had one root only. I put it in a terrarium with high humidity and artificial light, a minimum winter temp of 15 ー centigradi. I never fertilized it. This plant is very weak till now. What can I do ? Can I use rooting hormone?
The second question is this: For Paphs in good health, may I use horse, cow or sheep manure to fertilize them?
And if yes, manure alone on the surface of the medium or diluted in water (tea manure) and in what doses? Fresh or composted manure? Thank you very much.


Dear Dario,
About Paph. niveum.
Don't forget that the situation will not always be better as I say.
Because the condition and procedure of us must be differ from yours basically. After understanding as following, please consider how to do by yourself.

Paph. niveum grow in Marasian Peninsula. They like hotter compared with bellatulum, concolor and conco-bellatulum in Brachypetalum. Also, ang thong, godefroyae and leucochilum like hotter. The good temperature is over 18 C, I believe. And they like sunbeams but not too strong. They grow near sea level and have good moistured wind anytime. I guess, artificial light might not be enough, of course it is dependent on the dictance between the bulb and plants. The roots of Brachypetalum grow so slow and are very easy to come off when we repot. Even if they are in good condition, the roots will not grow so faster. So it is very difficult to identify that the condition changed to be better or not. You must believe you do best and be patient until the plants will be better. So, don't complain that nothing happen on the plants that you cared. To make better fertilize is very difficult for them. You had better give fertilize in liquid and in much diluted more than 5 times of the recommendation.

About the special fertilize.
Yes, you may use it , I think. Usually we don't use. Because we have 2 reasons. One is that we can not get it so easily. The second is that it is very difficult to use how much for each pots because we don't have experience.
When I stayed in USA, New York, I have hard from the well known skilled growers in Long Island that he used Cow's excrement only. He said, Cow's one is best. He dried it perfectly and devided it to in small pieces when he use. Just one or 1.5 cm2 's piece will be good enough for about 10 cm's diameter pot. For every watering, the elements will go down in the pot.
But I have never use, please try by your self. But you don't try for Paph at the first. Because they are not so tuff for strong fertilize.


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