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The Report of
Paphiopedilum investigation
in the North Mountain Area,
Viet Nam. (NO. 2)

In this siteAI'll show you some of orchids that they have found in the area containing Paphiopedilum.

This may be Arundina bambusifolia ? They say , this is one of Liparis. But I don't know ? You know ?@
This plant had only 2 leaves. The length of them are about 5 and 2 cm. It had pale pink flowers. It looks like adhered on the lime cliff with moss. What species is this ? Do you know ?

One of Dendrobium ? This might be one of Rhy.

The plants might be one of Coel.

Paph. henryanum

They say, this plant is Paphiopedilum henryanum. But we can not say it is exactly without flower. This plant grow in the shade and extend roots in leaf mold deeply. They could not find the bigger plants than this. Almost of all were the same size of this plant as in photo and they distribute alone.

Paph. helenae

We can see Paph. helenae in the higher terrace in the mountains. They grow on rocks of lime stone. Their roots are in a small amount of leaf molt in the crevice in a rock and they distribute alone. They are making a small colony.

@Paph. helenae grows in a hollow or flat place on lime stone sometimes. Their roots are cling to rock and they will dry easily, I guess. But in this area, they have high moisture in a year. So the plants will take moisture from the air.
@Unfortunately, I could not get photo of other kinds of Paphiopedilums in this time. I have hard they found Paph. hiepii and esqurolei. Please wait for a white until I'll get the information in much more detail, in future.

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