A member of Slipper Orchids
The Genus Selenipedium

The genus Selenipedium is a member of the subfamily Cypripedioideae. This subfamily contains all slipper orchids of the world. The species of the genus Selenipedium however can only be found in Central and South America. So Far only six species have been described:

Selenipedium aequinoctiale Garay
Selenipedium chica Rchb. f.
Selenipedium isabelianum Barb. Rodr.
Selenipedium palmifolium (Lindl.)Rchb. f.
Selenipedium steyermarkii Foldats
Selenipedium vanillocarpum Barb. Rodr.

Four of these species can be found in Brazil; S. isabelianum, S. palmifolium, S. steyermarkii and S. vanillocarpum.
Selenipediums are very rare and very little is known about them. All of them are quite large plants with relatively small flowers. Except for maybe some rare occasions in South America, they are not found in cultivation. ( from the web site of Selenipediums do Brasil )

Selenipedium palmifolium
Please visit the special site of Selenipedium by Mr. Robert Takase in detail.

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