NO.16@Mr. Franz Glanz ( Germany ) |
The name , Franz Glanz is very well known name. Because it is the name of hybrids between paph. emarsonii and armeniacum. He is known as a very nice breeder in Paph and/or Phragmipedium too. I have a good chance to introduce the neice selected clones in his green house. Please enjoy the flower with me.@ He has a nursery and his own homepage. So please visit the site directly too. |
I have received the new information about Mr. Franz Glanz's greenhouse in heavy snow from Mr. Ofal Gruss , a friend of mine in Germany. Thank you Olaf. @000131 |
His nursery is in Unterwoessen near Olaf's
village in the same valley. You can see we have much snow and the temperature were lower then minus 20 C. in some night. |
Now, they made artificial propergation of the species of Paph.helenae. And the flower was open already as follows. |
Paph. Franz Glanz |
Paph. Cam's Cloud |
malipoense x ? |
Paph. Maria Glanz |
Paph. Wosner Liemipar |
Paph. Wosner Leguan |
Phrag. Don Wimber |
Phrag. Franz Granz |
Phrag. Olaf Gruss |
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Paph. Wosner Godesang( godefroyae X sangii )This hybrid is very rare. I guess this is the first one of flowers using Paph. sangii as a parent of hybrids. |
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