(This looks like true one!) |
@@I have received photos of Paph. glaucophyllum var. moquetianum fma. flavoviride (album) from Germany. This clone must be true one because we can not pick up any doubt. |
Paph. moquetinum fma. album from Germany. The silhouette of this album formed flower is the same as it of the normal form. And the shape of staminode is the same too. |
Paph. glaucophyllum var. moquetianum fma. flavoviride was described by Dr. G. Braem. This clone is not the same one as the above. Unfortunately we can not see the shape of staminode from this photo. |
The state of things about Paph. glaucophyllum album in Japan
: @Some day, about a few years before, several flowers of this seedlings that I gifted to my friends before have exhibited on the show table of Japan Paphiopedilum Association at the same time. So we discussed to identify this seedlings comparing those flowers. Finally, we identified this seedlings were not Paph. glaucophyllum and must be hybrids concerning with Paph. primulinum according to the reason as follows. 1) The silhouette of flowers was not similar to it of Paph.
glaucophyllum but was similar to Paph. primulinum or
Paph. Pinocchio if anything. But this statements don't always mean all of Paph. glaucophyllum f. album in Japan are false. When you want to check the false, I advice you to check the shape of staminode at the first. |
The false of Paph. glaucophyllum f. album. The dorsal sepal is the smaller that will be primulinum type. But the shape of staminode is similar to that of Paph. glaucophyllum that will be happen in some clones from the seedlings. |
From these reason, the clone of Paph. glaucophyllum var. moquetianum fma. flavoviride that was introduced from Germany must be true one, I guess. When you have some comments, please send to me (Tanaka). |