Orchids in Myanmar

 Dr, Yoshitaka Tanaka who published ' Wild Orchids in Myanmar, Last Paradise of Wild Orchids, Vol.1 ~ 6' in Japanese and in English provided some photos of orchids in nature of Myanmar that we have never seen. Here, the photos will be introduced one by one. 040312
 About the book, you see the useful news. And if you want to know the news introduce bellow, please see the book.
 Dr. Tanaka were taking photos of orchids in nature whenever he visited Myanmar and the photos were accumulated so many. He will publish and introduce some of them in his book. And others including the photos in his book will be provided for this site. I'll introduce them here.

Vandopsis gigantea that is hanging from a big tree and there is abig colony of Cyr bellow the tree. Near by, we can see the big colony of Cerogine and den. And Paph. charlesworthii grows in the shade of rocks. When we walk around, we will be able to find about 40 wild orchids. Tanaka in Bankok040312
This is the photo of V. cerescence that was taken last week. I guess, we can not see the bigger colony like this. It is the atractive site in wilds. Tanaka in bankok040312

