Paphiopedilums in Myanmar

 Dr, Yoshitaka Tanaka who published ' Wild Orchids in Myanmar, Last Paradise of Wild Orchids, Vol.1 ~ 6' in Japanese and in English provided some photos of Paphiopedilums in nature of Myanmar that we have never seen. He lives in Bangkok , Thailand but fall Myanmar in Love. He visited every month to Myanmar to improve the life style of small number of local nations. 040110
 About the book, you see the useful news. And if you want to know the news introduce bellow, please see the book.
 Dr. Tanaka were taking photos of orchids in nature whenever he visited Myanmar and the photos were accumulated so many. He will publish and introduce some of them in his book. And others including the photos in his book will be provided for this site. I'll introduce them here. Now, the first ones are introducing. For instance, Paph. charlesworthii f. album will be published in the volume 2 of his book.
 I wish you enjoy these photos that show the nature of which were disappeared already around the countries. Now, it looks like in the dream. When we see these photos, almost of all Paph fans fells same. We have to keep these nature and we want to see these nature in your warm heart and calmly.


 In the 8th May,2004, I have recived this photo from Dr. Tanaka who lives in Thailand. Recently, he has completed the manuscript for the Orchids in Myanmer Vol.2. In the trip to collect news or flowers of orchids for this book, he has found this plants which flowered in album form, Paph. bellatulum f. album. It is so rare, he told. The plans grow in the limestone, you can see. We are looking forward to seeing the book.

 In vol. 2 , Paph. villosum f. album and Paph. charlesworthii f. album growing and flowering on the cliff of limestone. I don't take these plants of course. This area in very dangerous because it is controlled by military affairs. Usually, no body except military can enter in this area. I'm the first person who visit here.

In mountains, Paph. charlesworthoii forma album is flowering now.
For whom, the flowers opened.

  Paph. cahrlesworthii f. album flowering on the crif of limestone. The roots extended in leaf mold in a rock. I took this picture by 200 mm a telephoto lens. On this crif, I found 40 = 50 clumps of Paph, cahrlesworhii and the flower of album form was opened about 2 months latter than common ones. I want to leave them on this crif and to observe in chaces. (by Y. Tanaka)。

Paph. charlesworthii の群落

Paphiopedilum in Myanmar (From the book)

  Phaphiopediium species

Most of the Phaphiopedilum species are threatened towards extinction in the wild due to over collection. Their exotic shape, color and rarity attract the heart and minds of many collectors. Myanmar in the north is connected to the Himalayan mountain range through 6,000 m high summit, and has borders with India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand and connected to the Anderman Sea in the south Malaysian border. This provides a climatic environment most suitable for growing Phaphiopedilum species and for conserving abundant genetic resources. So far nine species of Phaphiopedilum were identified in Myanmar but more can be expected if mountainous terrain and formidable borders areas can be explored. Meanwhile, as immediate measure for protecting the rare species, national parks and sanctuaries need to be established as a treasure chest for humans. During a series of surveys, more than ten thousand plants of Phaphiopedilum bellatulum were found in a carpet form under a~ Iow shrubbery close to a housing development. Development is inevitable and will never stop. Our duty is to keep a visual record for future generation and maintain some specimens in the Kandawgyi and Inlay Botanical Gardens. ( By Dr. Y. Tanaka )


  Here is an earthly paradise with Den. vensonii growing whole mountains. It takes about few days from the foot. In the late of March, these mountains will turn to yellow by flowers of this Den. When I take this picture, the second volum of my book wil be complete. Unfortunately, I could not find any paphiopedilums in this mountains. But in some mountain, I found Cerosine. Nobody know this area. May be, nobody will not able to visit this area.( By Dr. Y. Tanaka )

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