Ohsaka Paphiopedilum Guild
general Meeting in 2002

@Osaka Paphiopedilum Guild held their meeting 4 times a year. In 2002, the 31st. March, they have the general meeting in Ikeda City Public Hall. The members came from the far area like Chugoku, Shikoku and Chukyo. Also, I have visited and made a lecture ans enjoyed so much. I'll introduce you to the meeting.

A greeting by the president, Mr. Ryuichi Kanbara.

The photos of awarded flowers in the last year. The best of the society.

Mr. Iwasaki is very wellknown in Paph. godefroyae.

Nice smilings.........

The judging

The judging

The report of results of judging.

They are awarded flowers

An auction

An auction

An auction

Mr. Tozuka explained the flowers on the show table.

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