Ohsaka Paphiopedilum Guild@Quarterly Meeting, in Dec., 2000

@Osaka Paphiopedilum Guild held their meeting 4 times a year. In 2000, Dec., they have the quarterly meeting in Ikeda City Public Hall. These information was supplied by Mr. Naoto Takasaki who is a member and good friends of mine. Thank you Naoto.

In this meeting, many white modern hybrids were exhibited on the table.

Paph. Mystic Knight

Paph. Mystic Knight
( from the same seedling )

Paph. Mystic Knight
( from the same seedling )

Paph. F.C. Puddle FCC/RHS

Paph. Dusty Miller`Dapple` AM/RHS

Paph. Dusky Maiden `Maidenhair`

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