Taiwan International Orchid Show (TIOS)
2014 (NO.1)
@Taiwan International Orchid Show (TIOS) 2014 was held from the 7th to 14th in March, 2014 in Tainan Prv. A many attendance not only from Taiwan but also from other countries visited this show. In this show, the displays and individual orchid flowers were judged, and AOS judged the orchid flower officially.
The main gate of International Orchid Show
The exhibition by organizing committee. It's every year, but we admire the size of the scale.
The judging area.
After judging, the area was open to publick as the preview for the concerned immediately.
Just after judging of Catts.
The area of Phalenopsis The meeting for judging.
After greeting, progress method in detail of the judging was explained.Judges gathered from many countries gathered according to the judging category. The flower to which a ribbon prize in each category were collected in the center, and the voting for the best flower of show was performed.
Some parts of them are introduced below.Phal. OX Black Eagle Phal. OX Golden Lottery ![]()
Phal. amabilis Paph. Mem. Joe Koss 'Kuo Jana #6' ![]()
Rhy. gigantea 'F4 #1'
This flower was awarded as Best flower of show.Rhy.( gigantea x Holycoglossum pumilla) ![]()
Paph. Wossner Black Wings 'Super Shih' ![]()
Den. (Beauty Sunset x Plka) Phal. Sogo Yukidian Bulb. chrysendetum 'A.D.O.' Calanthe. vestita 'Shang Yuan' Ornithocephalus polyodon 'Maedou' Guarianthe skinneri Category of mixed orchids. Openning to the public
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