in Hinuma 2003 |
Paphiopedilum Forum in Hinuma supported by Mochizuki Orchids Nursery was held in the village of Hinuma also, in Ibaraki-Ken in the 20th, April . A lot of Paph. fans attended to this forum from Osaka where is the west area and from Yamagata where is the north area in Japan. |
The invited speaker were (1) Mr. Nobuhiro Hata ' The Awarded Paphiopedilums of JOGA in 2002 ' (2) Mr. Kazuhito Uchida ' Paph developing by Dogashima Orchid Center ' (3) Mr. Takashi Wakamatsu ' The orchid show in Spa-resort Hawaians ' (4) Dr. Toshinori Tanaka ' Paphs described or reported newly in this year ` (5)Mr. Masakatsu Tomiyama ' How many Paph fans in orchid growing people ? ' and ' A short trip to Papua New Guinea for orchids ' |
Anywhere the Paph fans were talking about Paphs, Paphs .... and Paphs. |
Mr. Nobuhiro Hata talked about the Awarded Paphiopedilums of JOGA | |
This year is the 30th anniversary. Mr. Mochiduki talked about the start situation of his nursery 30 yeas before and introduced the special person invited. |
He talked about Paph. Royal Wedding that was awarded the Grand Prix in JGP before. |
The questions were very special ones and the speakers were annoyed how answer...... |
The Orchid Show in Spa-resort Hawaians will be held in this year too. (2 Photos by Mr. Kamei ) | |
I don't like to see my features. When I bring myself to Paph judging, I will be unsuccessful to have award because no good balance. But it is so good to be steady. I talked about ' The species described newly last year. | |
午後は満腹で睡魔におそわれる魔の時間帯となります。そこで、睡魔もへっちゃらの私の軽い・・・講演と、富山昌克氏による自称’眠気ざまし’の講演。確かに爆笑に次ぐ爆笑で眠る人なんか全くいません。昨年に続きスリムな姿はただ感心するばかり。本人曰く「トマトジュース」が良いのだそうです。昔のダルマサンは何処へ行ったの?テレビを見ている人は彼の昔の姿を知らないのだろうな? | |
高橋君によるJOGA審査の結果発表と解説。何でも、GMが二つも出たそうです。審査結果は詳しく記録していなかったので、皆さんにお知らせすることができません。ニューオーキッドの次号をお楽しみに・・・。 | |
(1)スパリゾートハワイアン賞 | |
(2)Franco Bruno賞 | (3)望月蘭園30周年記念特別賞 |
来年の再会を約束して・・・閉会となりました。 |